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Pub date: Aug 1 2024

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill

Written By Catherine Little
Illustrated by Sae Kimura

Growing up in the shadow of the Great War, Anne finds comfort in her neighbourhood library, where she loses herself in books, often imagining herself as part of the story. She particularly loves the books of LM Montgomery — and her imagination really takes off when she learns her beloved author is in town. 


Catherine Little is an educator, consultant and writer living in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and son. She has a passion for picture books and often used them in the classroom to enhance her mathematics, science and history lessons. Along with Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill, she is also the author of Twelve in a Race, Dragon’s Dilemma and Endgame: The Secret Force 136.

SAE KIMURA is an artist and illustrator originally from Odawara, Japan, now working and exhibiting her art in Toronto and elsewhere. Her artwork can be found in many galleries and private collections.

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ISBN: 9781738165247 Category:



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